Power Point Presentations By The Kids!


View more presentations from eminoah.

View more presentations from eminoah.

View more presentations from eminoah.

View more presentations from eminoah.


The children at Push home were learning MS word, Power point and a little about the Internet all through the month of August. Internet seems to have fascinated them and they are in awe as they realize the power it holds. They show good progress in learning and they are putting their skills to test by creating MS word and Power point files on their own. The files they have created will be posted the next week.


Like the previous week, two other kids were ready to show their work to their tutor. As Ebi entered the room waving his hands and greeting the children, a gang of them welcomed him cheerfully and were telling him that they are ready to watch video made by their friends.

Ajay and Prem asked Ebi to play the videos that they have made and the others were eager to watch. Both Ajay and Prem made a very good video and they were appreciated by their tutor.

Ebi was very happy to see what these amazing kids have accomplished. He felt happy to see the outcome of his hard work. These videos prove that kids at push home have tremendous talents, with little hands on guidance they will shine in beautiful colours.


Video projects are among the few projects that can engage a child. After two months of classes on ‘video making’, Ebi, their tutor wished to give the young minds a challenging task but at the same time a fun one. What could be more exciting for a child than to see his or her work on display?

So Ebi announced to his class, that every week, one of them should make a video and show it to him. When he asked who would volunteer the first week, all the hands in the class shot up. Finally it was decided that Ganesh would do the first video. The decision was not easy to make, as Ebi had a tough time convincing the other children why Ganesh is the one selected.

When Ebi entered the class this Saturday, Ganesh was there brimming with happiness and eagerly awaiting for him. Everybody including Ebi cudn’t wait to watch the video. As Ebi played the video for the class there was complete silence in the room.. As soon as the video ended, a loud cheer broke out in the room for Ganesh. Ganesh was all smiles seeing his work appreciated and applauded. Ebi felt it very rewarding, seeing the outcome of his hard work. At the end of the class Bhavani volunteered to make the next Video. So more to watch out for next week!!!!!!!!