Archive for March, 2010


Aren’t you happy to know that the children at PUSH home are now thorough with “Video making”? The video making lessons has come to an end and from now on the children will be taught new lessons on Microsoft Word. Yes, their tutor has prepared new set of lessons to teach Microsoft Word.

This week Ebi taught them the basics of Microsoft word – it was an introductory lesson. In the following weeks the children will learn ‘How to start word, Set screen for good working conditions, Understand the parts of the screen, Create a document, Format the document, Save the document and Print the document.

As usual the children enjoyed their first class of learning the basics of Ms Word. According to their tutor the children were very happy and they showed the same enthusiasm that they had while learning video making. See you in the next blog!


Being encouraged by their tutor, four other boys came forward to do the practical test on “video making”.

Soon after their tutor arrived, the four boys sat in front of the pc and started to perform the test one after the other. They had their written notes in hand and with little guidance from their tutor they made videos out of their own creativity. The children enjoyed doing the videos on their own.

And finally, the boys (who performed the test) and their peers were delighted to see the handiwork. They received heartfelt appreciation from their tutor for their interest, participation and of course for the good work. The class concluded after the announcement of test for the girls the following week.

Skill test

This weekend computer class started with the usual enthusiasm. To test what the children have learnt so far, their tutor had announced a practical test on the subject “video editing.”

A boy named Ganesh, was very much excited to attend the test. He is one among the 8 children who learn video editing. Having the written notes as guidelines he was asked to do make a video and edit it. According to Ebi, Ganesh performed the test well – the video had a professional touch. His performance revealed the hidden skills and his interest to learn new things. The children were so happy to see the video made by Ganesh.

After the test, the children were taught more on video editing. The 7 children who did not perform the test were encouraged by their tutor who gave them the confidence to attend the test the following week. Due to power cut the tutor was unable to continue to teach the kids and thus the class came to an end.